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The Freckled Canvas

The Freckled Canvas: May 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Personal Progress Guide Book | Good Works

Quick thought today about good works-

There's a girl I used to follow on instagram who is the best at good works! At least once a month she loads up her starbucks card, and posts a screenshot of it for any of her followers to go grab a drink on her. I'm not a fan of starbucks, not even their hot chocolates. But I'll give you one guess of what I'm a fan of. That's right Chick-fil-A! My favorite way to do some covert good works is to pay for the person behind me in the drive-thru line at Chick-fil-A!

What's your favorite way to do some good works?
And don't forget to click the picture below to download the Good Works guide book

Did you miss previous installments?
Choice & Accountability
Individual Worth
Divine Nature
Introduction & Faith

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Personal Progress Guide Book | Choice and Accountability

A couple of weeks ago I got to support a friend at his Ranger graduation. If you ever get a chance to go to a Ranger graduation-GO! It's so fun to see the demonstrations!

The speech given to graduates is different each time and I was so glad I got to hear this one. This one was given my a Colonel Major Special. He talked a lot about the Ranger motto - Rangers Lead the Way! The one line I want you to know is this.

You  are a Ranger now. People will look to you to lead the way. You do not get to decide when you lead, you will lead always. You are the example.

Young women, you "stand as a witness of God." Not when you want to but, "…at all times, in all things, and in all places!" It is your choice to do it the way God wants you to or to fall short.  Young men, you do too!

For all youth "You are LDS, YOU lead the way!"

Click the picture below to download the Choice and Accountability guide sheet set!

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Personal Progress Guide Book | Knowledge

When I think of my favorite college classes, by far two classes stand out. One was called Genres of Film, which is a whole other story. The second was Foundations of Learning, I touched on it in my "keynote speech" on the Divine Nature post. Here's another little nugget of wisdom from that same professor, Brother Adrian.

We ask Heavenly Father for help all the time. Do you ask him to help you when you study and are trying to gain knowledge? He asked us to consider to try praying before and after you study every time for about a week.

I didn't immediately notice the difference but when test came I definitely remembered things that I didn't even remember studying. Which leads me to one more really neat thing.

I had a friend who had a professor at BYU who taught her about the Libraries of Knowledge. Before you take a test, say a prayer. Ask for the Libraries of Knowledge to be opened and the things you studied to be brought to the front of your mind. Asking for that will help you remember small things, maybe even the things you heard in passing.

It takes James 1:5 to a whole new level, y'all!

P.S. Did a little code work this week so just click on the picture to download!

Did you miss previous installments?

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Personal Progress Guide Book | Individual Worth

I am so sorry this didn't post last friday. Somehow the scheduling was off.

Here's the Individual Worth set of guide sheets. Be sure to check back next week (this Friday) for some fun insights. Click the image below to view and download the book!

Did you miss last weeks? Or the first installment?

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