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The Freckled Canvas

The Freckled Canvas: January 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

One Little Word 2015 - Breathe

It's amazing how sometimes things just fall into your life. Last year I saw a few of the people I follow on Instagram post a word for their life in the following year. I kinda just scrolled past them and didn't really give a thought about it. Then in the beginning of December I started to see the words pop up again. After reading a couple people's posts I felt like I should ponder if one little word was for me, and if it was what my word should be. I rested on breathe.

While trying to decide on a word I thought back to the things I'd learned last semester through Pathway. I kept coming back to the word breathe for several reasons. About 4 years ago I started to realize I had anxiety. I get overwhelmed a lot! I have a hard time prioritizing because it all seems important to me. I have a hard time not freaking out about things because everything seems big to me. I have a really hard time not having a plan for everything, and then get anxiety when things don't go according to plan. I found last semester that when I breathe, I can regain control. When I just take a breath, step back and put things into perspective I can find peace.

I wanted to really get this through me this year. I have a short attention span and I wanted to make sure I really committed this word for the year. So I decided to search #onelittleword on instagram and found out that One Little Word was a real thing, with a year long workshop for way cheap!! So I signed up, and I am so excited to really breathe this year.

Is anyone else participating in One Little Word this year? Want to join the class? (click here)

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Friday, January 2, 2015

The Freckled Canvas 365 Thankful Days Project

I loved being happy for 100 days last year! I thought about doing 365 happy days but I wanted to make it bigger and more meaningful. While I was thinking about what to do, from somewhere deep inside me (read the Holy Ghost) I was reminded of a talk Henry B. Eyring gave. He talked about how each night he wrote a journal of gratitude and could see the Lord's hand in his life.

I've decided that 2015 is my year! This year I'm breathe-ing (post to come about my one little word) more and I want to also come closer to my Heavenly Father. So I'm starting The Freckled Canvas 365 Thankful Days Project. It's easy, each day find something to be thankful for. That's it, just one thing that you are thankful you have, you saw, you did, anything! Take this year to make a change in your life with me!

I'll be posting on my instagram everyday and recapping here. So will you join me? Will you be thankful for 365 days? I know you can do it!
