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One Little Word 2015 - Breathe

The Freckled Canvas: One Little Word 2015 - Breathe

Monday, January 5, 2015

One Little Word 2015 - Breathe

It's amazing how sometimes things just fall into your life. Last year I saw a few of the people I follow on Instagram post a word for their life in the following year. I kinda just scrolled past them and didn't really give a thought about it. Then in the beginning of December I started to see the words pop up again. After reading a couple people's posts I felt like I should ponder if one little word was for me, and if it was what my word should be. I rested on breathe.

While trying to decide on a word I thought back to the things I'd learned last semester through Pathway. I kept coming back to the word breathe for several reasons. About 4 years ago I started to realize I had anxiety. I get overwhelmed a lot! I have a hard time prioritizing because it all seems important to me. I have a hard time not freaking out about things because everything seems big to me. I have a really hard time not having a plan for everything, and then get anxiety when things don't go according to plan. I found last semester that when I breathe, I can regain control. When I just take a breath, step back and put things into perspective I can find peace.

I wanted to really get this through me this year. I have a short attention span and I wanted to make sure I really committed this word for the year. So I decided to search #onelittleword on instagram and found out that One Little Word was a real thing, with a year long workshop for way cheap!! So I signed up, and I am so excited to really breathe this year.

Is anyone else participating in One Little Word this year? Want to join the class? (click here)

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